Whiteheads otherwise known as closed comedones are a type of acne vulgaris similar to blackheads except they appear as small white or yellow lumps that are formed under the surface of a closed pore as opposed to being in an open pore. Individuals that suffer from excessive sebum production and have overactive sebaceous glands are more prone to whiteheads and this is primarily due to hormonal changes or genetic factors. In consequence, whitehead pimples are more prevalent in individuals with acne prone skin as the cells that line those individuals’ skins are sticky and on the grounds of this, they promote pore blockage.

There are a lot of household items that you will have lying around, that could be easily implemented and utilized into treatment for the relief of whiteheads.
One such example is to have facial steam. This is a really simple yet effective treatment for relieving whitehead symptoms. It is as simple as boiling some water in a saucepan. Turn off the heat, place a towel over your head and place your head over the pan letting the steam get to your pimples.
warm water
Alternatively, place a cloth in warm water and rinse out any water, then place this on your face for a few minutes then take this off. Do these three to four times at a time. Use it once or twice a week on a regular basis.
baking soda
Another remedy is baking soda, you should mix one teaspoon of baking soda with water to make a paste. Apply it to the affected area and leave for a few minutes before washing off with warm water. Repeat it two to three times weekly.
Sugar and Honey
A homemade sugar scrub can be a miracle treatment for your skin, helping to remove excess debris and skin without causing any dryness. Mix together one tablespoon of honey and one tablespoon of sugar with a couple of drops of lemon. Apply it to the face and massage it in circular motions. Leave it on the face for a few minutes before washing it off. This should be repeated three times a week for the best results.
Apple cider vinegar
Apple cider vinegar is excellent for removing excess and excessive oils from the skin as it works with an astringent like effect. It also has antibacterial and antiseptic properties making it, especially for acne sufferers.
Put one tablespoon of apple cider vinegar in a cup and apply to the face using cotton wool. Leave it in place for ten minutes before rinsing with lukewarm water.
apple cider vinegar and corn-starch
Alternatively, the apple cider vinegar can be mixed with 3 tablespoons of corn-starch, which can then be spread on the face and left for fifteen to twenty minutes before scrubbing off. For best results, you should then clean your face with warm water, before rinsing with cold water in order to close off your pores. Using this daily to a few times a week will give maximum potential results.
Gram flour
Gram flour is an incredible ingredient for exfoliating and deep cleaning your pores in order to remove dead skin and absorb any excess oil from the skin. Used 2 to 3 times a week for three weeks can give incredible results.
Miz tablespoons of gram flour into your preferred amount of yogurt, however, it must be enough to make a paste. Spread it over the face and leave it until it has completely dried. Scrub it off and then wash your face completely.
Strawberries are another great ingredient as their skins can help exfoliate the skin removing dead skin cells and dirt and unblocking pores. They also naturally contain salicylic acid which is used to treat acne vulgaris.
Mash-up 2 or 3 strawberries to make a paste with one tablespoon of honey. Spread on the face and massage in circular motions for 3 minutes. Leave on your face for 15 minutes and then rinse off. This should be repeated once or twice a week for a few months in order to get the best results.
As you can see there are many items that you will have around the house. Which can be utilized to help relieve the symptoms of whiteheads without being harsh on the skinning and drying it out. Also, read our article HOME REMEDIES FOR BLACKHEADS