The Cystic Acne Diet

Although not life-threatening or necessarily critical, cystic acne is possibly one of the most emotionally stressful and draining conditions that people suffer around the world. It truly makes people suffer agonizing pain every day globally. Therefore, if medications and so forth are not working, try changing something that you have control over – what you put into your body. Therefore, by choosing a cystic acne diet which eliminates thoughts that are deemed to affect aspects of acne, and concentrates on the food that is deemed good for you and that does not flare up the skin. Following this diet will not get rid of cystic acne or acne of any severity totally, nevertheless it will enhance your complexion noticeably, simply by eradicating some foods from your diet. Therefore this article will concentrate on the foods you should and shouldn’t eat and some supplements that you could incorporate into your diet also.

Cystic Acne Diet – Designed by

Foods that should be avoided

The foods that should be limited or avoided altogether are
Usual Dairy Products- these products generally can be very hard to digest and many people have noticed a sizeable difference in their acne when they have eliminated milk, cheese, butter and other milk products such as ice cream and chocolate. If you think that dairy may be making your acne worse or you would like to see if eliminating it makes a difference, you could try a two-week trial and look for improvements. If your acne improves you can then decide whether to eliminate it completely or whether to introduce some dairy back slowly but make it dairy of a good quality.
Sugar/ high-glycemic foods – food that is high in sugar or foods with a high glycemic content such as pasta and white bread, can aggravate the inflammation in your body and make it worse. By eating large amounts of sugar food and products that are high in grains can increase the amount of candida and yeast in your body by feeding it, this can also increase the frequency of acne outbursts. To combat that if you like sugar with hot drinks or in the mornings on breakfast cereal then you could try a natural sweetener, there are many on the market that are plant-based.
Caffeine and Chocolate – experts are continuously stating that caffeine and chocolate have no effect on breakouts, however, it is a proven fact that both caffeine and chocolate can raise your hormone levels, which in turn affects your breakouts. That being the case by eliminating these from your diet, even by limiting them will help balance out your hormones, and ergo reduce your stress.
Low Fibre High Processed Foods – these foods have a negative effect on the health of your gut, which is directly linked to the health of your skin. If you eat a lot of foods such as microwave meals and so forth then, this will create an unhealthy shift in your bodies microbial colonies. This sends out inflammation throughout the body resulting in cystic acne flare-ups or making current acne worse.
Fried and Fast Food – these cause a lot of ingredients that can cause an inflammation flare up which will affect acne.

Foods To Eat

Probiotic- Rich Food – when you eat food high in probiotics or in friendly bacteria then it lines your gut creating a healthy barrier against anything that can cause inflammation thereby fighting acne from inside out.
High – Zinc Foods – zinc promotes a healthy digestive tract which influences skin health, consume foods such as chickpeas, cashews, pumpkin seeds and grass-fed beef.
Vitamin A – Rich Foods – these foods fight infection and speed up the healing process. Eat foods such as kale, carrots, spinach and sweet potatoes.
Fibre-Rich Foods – these encourage colon cleansing and have detoxifying elements which are great for skin health. Eat vegetables, seeds, fruits and nuts.
High-quality Protein Foods – high in protein and helps balance blood sugar levels which can also have a major effect on acne. Eat grass- fed beef, organic chicken, wild caught fish and free- range eggs.
Liver Supportive Foods – hormones are produced in the liver and therefore eating foods that can maintain, stabilise and support the liver can only help your skin in the long run. Eat foods such as cauliflower, broccoli, leafy greens and fruits.

Supplements to incorporate

Vitex – a plant-based herbal remedy recommended for acne that is brought on by hormones.
Guggulsterone – a remedy made from the sap of an Indian tree. This has been found to be more effective than medication in trials that have been conducted.

These are the basics of the cystic acne diet, no one is saying it will be a miracle cure but by stabilizing the skin a small bit could make you feel amazing.

A guide to the best face wash for Cystic Acne

Acne in any form is troublesome and therefore using a gentle and sensitive facial wash will help reduce redness, bacteria and help relieve the pain caused also. Therefore, this article is going to give information on some of the gentle facial cleansers out on the market for acne sufferers.

best face wash for cystic acne
best face wash for Cystic Acne Designed by Vectorpocket

Cetaphil Daily Facial Cleanser

Daily Facial Cleanser For Cystic acne
Daily Facial Cleanser for Acne

This daily facial cleanser is designed for normal, combination and oily skin. While using this cleanser it will eliminate dirt, bacteria, makeup, and oil from the skin without leaving it dry or with the tight pulling feeling that other cleansers can create. The cleanser is both noncomedogenic and hypoallergenic. This product produces a low level of lathering when being used and rinses clean leaving a clean and fresh feeling without clogging pores, drying out or irritating the skin. Developed with dermatologist input it is a great facial cleanser for irritated skin that is prone to outbreaks.

Vanicream™ Gentle Facia Cleanser

Vanicream Gentle Facial Cleanser

This gentle facial cleanser is dermatologically tested and designed to wash away oil, makeup, and bacteria without drying out the skin. Soap-free as well as free from scents, dyes, lanolin, parabens, and other chemicals, this is a great cleaner to relieve symptoms and feel clean.

Organys Cleansing Oil and Makeup Remover

ORGANYS Cleansing Oil for Cystic acne
ORGANYS Cleansing Oil

This oil cleanser is perfect for dry skin and skin that is prone to breakouts. This product could not be simpler to use but the benefits that arise from it are tenfold. Pour the oil onto to dry hands and without wetting, massage into the face for a couple of minutes. The effects will start working as soon as the oil touches your face. Wet your face and the oil will turn into a white foam, keeping rubbing the face for a couple of minutes until rinsing with water until the face is clear.

Whether your skin is oily or combination, dry or oily, or flaky and sensitive this cleansing oil will work on them all and it will work for you, by bringing out the best in your skin. For instance, if you have oily skin and suffer from cystic acne the cleanser will clean the skin without stripping it of the oily sebum, thus the skin does not overproduce oils to compensate for what it has lost, therefore, keeping the skin calm and less irritated, whilst still having a thorough clean. It is able to provide effectual cleansing, and removal of makeup while also deeply cleansing the pores of the skin, reducing bacteria and infection. Although it can be off-putting and seem futile adding oil into your beauty regime when you have oily skin, it will be the best decision you have made all year. The cleansing oil provides a miracle cleanser that will hydrate and nourish the skin leaving it feeling soft, smooth and clean without leaving an oily coating on your skin.

Simple Kind to Skin Facial Care, Foaming Facial Cleanser

Best Foaming Facial Cleanser
Foaming Facial Cleanser

This soap-free foaming facial cleanser will remove any excess oils, bacteria, makeup and dirt from your face and will leave it feeling nourished and fresh. Incorporating natural ingredients such as Glycerine, Chamomile and Geranium to help nourish and maintain the softness of the skin. Containing no harsh chemicals or dyes, this product contains only skin adoring ingredients and the technology of triple purified water. Perfect for any skin types.

Neutrogena Ultra Gentle Daily Cleanser

Ultra Gentle Daily Cleanser for cystic acne
Ultra Gentle Daily Cleanser

This hypoallergenic facial cleanser containing no soaps, dyes or harsh chemicals removes bacteria, makeup, oils and so forth from the skin without leaving it irritated and red. Its cleanser rinses clear and does not clog the pores of the skin or leave any irritating residues.

Clean and Clear Relaxing Night Facial Cleanser

Night Facial Cleanser for pimples
Night Facial Cleanser

This night time facial cleanser is hypoallergenic and will wash away all the bacteria, makeup, dirt and oil that your skin has picked up during the day’s activities. It should be applied to a wet face and massaged into the skin before rinsing clean and patted dry.

This nigh facial cleanser is oil free and therefore will not clog the pores. For even better results this could be teamed up with Clean and Clear Morning Blast Facial Cleaner.

Finding facial cleansers whilst suffering from cystic acne can be a total pain, however, hopefully, this guide will help you find one that works for you and will be less toil and trouble and more luxurious bubbles.

What are blackheads and blackhead removal tips.

Many people can suffer from blackheads, otherwise known as open comedones, although it is usually found in adolescents and young adults. Blackhead is a form of acne that occurs when small yellowy black lumps are formed when a blockage develops in the hair follicle of the skin due to bacteria, dirt, dead skin cells and excess oily sebum. We will dig into some of the blackhead removal (home remedies) tips in this topic which will surely help you in removing the blackheads without any side effects unlike clinical treatments.

A guide to remove blackheads fast with best black removal tips
How to remove blackheads? Designed by Freepik

A common misconception is that the black-top of a blackhead is due to dirt, however, it is actually due to being exposed to air. Many factors contribute to the breakout of blackhead just like other forms of acne vulgaris, hormonal changes due to puberty and the menstrual cycle are a large factor. As is genetics and stress, and just like most other forms of acne the incorrect use of skincare products and cosmetics can also play a small part in acne breakout too.

There are some prescription medications that can help relieve the blackhead pimples, however, there are also many different items that are probably lying around the house, that can also help treat blackheads. Therefore, this article will concentrate on those remedies, however, it is important to note that although these may make a noticeable difference but it may not cure the problem altogether.

Baking Soda

The first remedy is Baking soda, this is a very effective treatment for blackheads and other forms of acne also. It can help effectively clean all dirt and debris from the skin. For this remedy, simply mix 2 teaspoons of baking soda with mineral water and mix into a paste. Massage on the skin directly and allow it to dry for a few minutes before rinsing with water. For maximum effects repeat this weekly.


The next blackhead removal tip for battling blackheads is cinnamon. This is prepared by mixing one teaspoon of cinnamon, one teaspoon of lemon juice and a pinch of turmeric together. Apply it to the face for approximately 15 minutes before rinsing it off. Alternatively, you could mix a teaspoon of cinnamon and honey to make a thick paste and apply to the area leaving it on overnight before rinsing in the morning. This should be done every day for 10 days.

Honey and Lemon

Another blackhead removal that involves using honey is honey and lemon. For this remedy you use 2 tablespoons of lemon juice, ½ a tablespoon of salt, one and a half (1½) tablespoon of yogurt. After mixing his should make a gel-like substance that you can apply to the breakout area directly and rinse off after approximately 10 minutes.

Honey and Egg

A third blackhead removal tip that takes advantage of the healing properties of honey is the use of honey and egg. So, you should take the egg white of one egg and mix it well with honey. Apply directly on to the pimple area for a short time of 5 to 10 minutes before rinsing well.

Milk and Nutmeg As Blackhead Removal

Another remedy is milk and nutmeg. Both of these have properties that help reduce the discomfort and appearance of blackhead pimples rapidly. Use two tablespoons of milk and mix it well it a tablespoon of nutmeg. Once it becomes paste like apply it to the area and leave for approximately 15 minutes and rinse with warm water.

Oatmeal As Blackhead Removal

Oatmeal is a very soothing element for the skin and therefore this is the next blackhead removal tip. Mix one teaspoon of honey and the juice of 4 tomatoes into a preferred amount of oatmeal however it needs to be enough to make a paste, apply it directly to the skin similar to the method you would use for a face scrub, leave it in-situ for 10 minutes and then rinse it. For the best results, you should use it as a regular skin treatment.
Alternatively, you can mix two tablespoons of oatmeal with three tablespoons of plain yogurt and a small amount of lemon juice and olive oil. Apply this to the face and leave for a few minutes before rinsing

Green Tea

Another everyday item that is good for helping relieve blackheads is Green tea. Green tea has become increasingly popular recently and can now be out to use for your skin as well as your health. Mix 1 teaspoon of dried green tea with water to make a paste. Gently scrub the paste over the affected area for a few minutes before rinsing with warm water. This scrub will help unblock any clogged pores as well as cleanse deeply your skin of oils.

So, there you have it some tried and tested household remedies for helping relieve the symptoms of blackhead pimples. Most of you will have some if not all of these items just sitting around your kitchen. So, why not try to utilize some of them. There should be at least one in this list that you will be will be willing to try as admittedly some sound better than others, and some just sound good enough to eat. Read our article THE CYSTIC ACNE DIET and Watch these DIY blackhead removal tips.

3 Home Remedies For Different Types of Blackhead Concerns | DIY Blackhead Remover Mask

Mythical Acne – the truth behind the myths about acne

myths about acne
Myths about Acne

Whether you are a sufferer of acne or not, you will have heard at least one or two myths bandied about concerning acne in some shape or form. Thus, in this article, I plan to blame and shame the myth and get the truth out there.

  1. The more you wash your face, the less likely you are to have spotssadly although washing your face does allow you to get rid of any dirt, bacteria, dead skin and oil away from your face, it will not help deter a breakout on your face. If anything washing it too much will make it sore and dry will cause irritation and further inflammation, making it even more prone to breakouts.
  2. Don’t wear makeup if you want clear skin: believe me, I am not an advocate for slapping layers upon layers of makeup on your face, however, wearing makeup will not make you more prone to breakouts. In fact, a lot of makeup now are oil-free and contain active ingredients to help combat spots such as blackheads, cystic pimples and so forth.
  3. If you keep getting more and more breakouts to keep slapping on the acne medicine and treatments: many medications that are used in acne treatments contain drying agents within them, therefore putting too much on will dry your skin making it dry, irritable, inflamed and breaking out.
  4. Sunbathing and getting a tan is good for acne: although a tan may make you feel good in summer and it may conceal your acne while it is there, the sun exposure can actually hurt your skin in the long run, drying it out and making it more irritated and inflamed.
  5. Adults don’t get acne: quite simply this is not true, surveys have found that many adults are getting acne into their twenties and older dome are even getting in their forties and above.
  6. Poor hygiene causes acne:  a very prevalent myth is that people that have acne have dirty skin, its up there with the people who have headlice have dirty hair myth. In actual fact it is just bad luck and genetics, somebody could have no personal cleanliness at all and be a pimple free, whereas the cleanest person in the world could have acne. There is no correlation. So do not over wash your skin. You’re not dirty.
  7. Squeezing the pimple is the best course of action: DO NOT SQUEEZE A PIMPLE, there are a lot of people who cannot resist the urge to squeeze when a pimple comes along. However, keep your hands off and leave them alone. It can be especially tempting if the spot feels irritable or painful however by touching it and squeezing it you are only aggravating it more, plus you added more bacteria to the surface area and if it pops the bacteria from that pimple will also be on the surface area and be contaminating and potentially infecting other pimples.
  8. Junk food causes acne: there is no hard evidence that correlates greasy food with acne as of yet, but, it is inevitable that if you are eating a big juicy burger or a nice greasy pizza that some of that will end up on your chin and therefore this added grease could increase the oil on your skin if you already suffer from an oily complexion. Thus your skin absorbs more grease and it, therefore, breaks out into acne pimples.
  9. Acne goes away on its own: this myth is very wrong, you should not have to suffer in silence with the pain and emotional stress that acne brings. Do not leave a pimple until it so big and uncomfortable. At the first sight of a pimple use an over the counter product to try and help. If this doesn’t work seek medical advice and stronger prescription medication will be prescribed. It needs treating it won’t just go away and you will not just grow out of it.
  10. Masturbation causes acne: Some people believe that masturbating can lead to pimple outbreaks but it is far away from the truth. There isn’t really much to say about this except no, it really doesn’t.

These are just of my favourite handpicked myths, there are many out there and I think the best advice anyone could give you is don’t listen to myths, do what is right for you.

Acne Vulgaris 101: Everything about Acne Vulgaris also known as Acne

The development of acne vulgaris can result in low self-esteem, low self-worth, anxiety, depression, and, in the extreme case, suicidal thoughts and intentions. Therefore, it is important to know more about acne if you want to get rid of it.

Acne Scars are caused by acne vulgaris
Acne Vulgaris Designed by Bearfotos

Acne Vulgaris

Acne Vulgaris, commonly known as acne is a chronic condition that affects the skin of nearly 630 million people worldwide. It generally occurs when an individual’s hair follicles become congested with bacteria, dead skin cells, and oil of skin. It has an effect on the areas of the skin that have a high amount of oil glands within them. These areas include the face, torso and back area. However, it has been known to affect other areas of skin too. It is usually distinguished by oily skin, pimples, both blackheads or whiteheads and can cause acne scars.

Worldwide Acne affects over 600 million people, making it the eighth most generic ailment around the globe. It is at its most prevalent among adolescents, with approximately 90 percent of young adults in the western world suffering from acne vulgaris. Although not very usual in adulthood, acne can follow suffers into their twenties and beyond, with some suffers suffering into later life.

Types of Acne

Like all diseases and conditions, there are different categories of acne vulgaris. These categories are mild, moderate or severe and treatment will depend on which category you are in.
The sign of obstructed pores represents mild acne. Which is restricted to the face area only with some inflammation. Moderate is generally classified as having more inflammation and inflamed legions than a mild case and as well as being on the face they also appear on the torso. Whereas severe acne cases will have all of the above only more acute with more coverage on the surface areas.

Acne Scars

So, what are acne scars? Plain and simply they are as a result of inflammation contained in the dermal layer of the skin. It approximately affects 95 percent of people with acne vulgaris. Essentially the acne scar is developed due to abnormal healing in the wake of the inflammation. Scarring is more likely to form with severe acne; however, it can form with any kind of acne vulgaris depending on the individuals healing mechanisms.

Causes of Acne Vulgaris

No one is really certain about the causes of acne. Although people think that genetics is the central cause in nearly 80 percent of cases. Many people believe that factors such as smoking, diet, cleanliness, and exposure to the sun are the main causes of acne. However, there is no proof so far that these factors contribute to acne. Experts also think that an increase in hormones can contribute to it, such as happens during puberty. Along with the excessive progression of the bacteria, Propionibacterium acnes in some individuals can grow excessively causing acne symptoms.

As stated, earlier hormones play a big part in acne, from puberty to a monthly menstrual cycle, contributing to the formation of acne. When puberty begins the sex hormones known as androgens cause the hair follicle glands within the skin to increase in size and produce more oily sebum. Although acne forming properties such as androgens, dihydrotestosterone, dehydroepiandrosterone, and testosterone have a link to several hormones. Increased levels of growth hormones and insulin hormones also have an effect on acne formation. However, androgen seems to be the most important hormone when it comes to forming acne, as people with symptoms such as complete androgen insensitivity syndrome, do not develop acne symptoms. Likewise, syndromes that cause high levels of androgen such as polycystic ovaries can cause acne.

The predilection of acne for specific individuals is likely to be genetic. This genetic susceptibility is probably due to the stimulus of several genes. But acne itself as a disease does not have a specific genetic inheritance pattern.

Stress can also Cause Acne

Stress is also a massive factor in affecting acne, with some researchers believing that high-stress levels can make it worse. Although this is not easy when it can drain your confidence.

So, here it is acne 101, the information that you need to understand the skin disorder. If you are looking for natural treatment, home remedies or best face washes for acne then don’t forget to check our other articles for more information. This video created by Osmosis will surely help you to understand this topic.

What is acne vulgaris?